Maharishi Arvind Institute of Pharmacy aims to provide a conducive atmosphere which would enable each student to realize his potential and his latent talents. The objective is to ensure the holistic development of the student with particular emphasis on maintaining high academic standards. The institute instills in each child a desire for excellence, secular ethos, care for the less privileged, love for adventure and sensitivity towards the environment. We aspire to provide an open ended teaching pedagogy which increases the creativity and let the mind grow in a free environment.

Our institute is about the spirit, morals and ethics of India. A Institute where tradition and modernity blend seamlessly so that while the students value their culture, traditions and stay away from the fallacies of society they are also in sync with all the advancements which are the need of the hour.


The Indian and global pharmaceutical research scenario is progressing at a very fast pace. To remain competitive in this changing environment, there is an increasing demand of pharmacy professionals who can face the new challenges. The Maharishi Arvind institute of Pharmacy (MAIP) has been established to train the students so that they meet the current challenges.

MAIP is committed to produce inevitable budding professionals to meet this global challenge. We are working on technical field for multifaceted development of the student’s i.e. excellent teaching learning process, industrial linkage, innovations, intellectual, personality and entrepreneurship. The college has achieved a prominent place amongst the top-ranking pharmacy colleges.

We have a vision to become a leading center of pharmaceutical education and research in Rajasthan and North India. We are also planning to start a research center for developing excellent research facilities for the benefit of the students and faculty. Our institute is also in process of forming a collaborative research projects with Industries and research organization.

I welcome you in MAIP, the institute which blends quality pharmaceutical education with industrial interaction for professional development to provide you and opportunity to expand your horizon of knowledge and explore new frontiers of interest. We intend to invite multi-nationals and renowned core sector pharmaceutical organizations for the campus selection.

I am sure that with support of visionary management, qualified and research-oriented faculty members and students. We will achieve our goals. Wish you all the best widget